Monday, November 19, 2007

Below is the list of dates for our meetings and the books we will be working with. These selections are pretty easy to get through and very inspirational. Suggestions are welcome.

December 12/5 Gospel of Matthew (we will read the NAB version)

January 1/9
Becoming Who You Are Martin S.J., James

February 2/6
Return of the Prodigal Son Nouwen, Henri

March 3/5
My Life With the Saints Martin S.J., James

April 4/2 My Life With the Saints Martin S.J., James

May 5/7
Dangerous Memories: A Mosaic of Mary in Scripture
Johnson CSJ, Elizabeth

June TBA
The Cloister Walk Norris, Kathleen

July TBA The Cloister Walk Norris, Kathleen

1 comment:

James Martin, SJ said...

Wow. Thanks for including not one, but two, of my books. I hope that your group enjoys them! And the others are all huge favorites of mine--including, of course, the Gospel of Matthew.
Please greet all the saints in Anaheim, a place that I love visiting every year during the L.A. Religious Ed Congress!
Jim Martin, SJ

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA