Friday, June 6, 2008

St. Pope Gregory the Great Part II

VATICAN CITY, 4 JUN 2008 (VIS) - In his general audience this morning, held in St. Peter's Square, Benedict XVI resumed the catechesis he began last week on St. Gregory the Great, focusing today on the doctrine of this Pope and Doctor of the Church.

The Holy Father began by recalling how St. Gregory, in his numerous works, "never displays any concern with outlining a doctrine 'of his own'. Rather, he seeks to echo the Church's traditional teaching on the path to follow to reach God".

"A passionate reader of the Bible", the author of the Homilies on the Gospels believed that when reading Scripture "Christians must not draw theoretical knowledge so much as daily nourishment for their soul". Gregory likewise insisted that approaching "Holy Scripture only to satisfy one's own desire for knowledge means giving way to the temptation of pride".

"Intellectual humility is the primary rule for people seeking to penetrate supernatural truth on the basis of the Holy Books", said the Pope, remarking that "where the Word of God is involved, to understand means nothing if understanding does not lead to action".

In his Moral Commentary to Job this Doctor of the Church, following patristic tradition, examined the sacred text in the light of its threefold significance: literal, allegorical and moral. ... The moral ideal consists in achieving a harmonious integration of word and deed, of thought and commitment, of prayer and dedication to one's duties. ... This great Pope thus outlined a complete life project for true believers, which during the course of the Middle Ages represented a kind of 'Summa' of Christian morals".

In his most famous work, the Pastoral Rule, Gregory "seeks to delineate the ideal bishop, master and guide of his flock. ... The bishop is above all the 'preacher' par excellence and as such he must primarily be an example to others. ... For pastoral action to be effective, bishops must understand its recipients and adapt their interventions to the situations of each". Gregory also "insists on the daily duty pastors have to recognise their own poverty, so that pride does not make the good achieved ineffective in the eyes of the supreme Judge".

"All these precious guidelines", said Pope Benedict, "demonstrate St. Gregory's exalted concern for the care of souls, which he defined as 'ars artium' (the art of arts). ... In the theological design that Gregory develops in his works, past, present and future are relativized. What has most importance for him is the entire span of the history of salvation, which continues to unravel through the dark meanders of time. ... He believes that the leaders of the Christian community must continually undertake to reread events in the light of the Word of God".

Finally Benedict XVI mentioned the relationships Gregory "cultivated with the Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople", noting how he was "constantly concerned with recognising and respecting their rights, avoiding any form of interference that could limit their legitimate autonomy". And if Gregory "opposed the title of 'Ecumenical' for the Patriarch of Constantinople", said the Pope, "he did so because he was concerned for the fraternal unity of the universal Church and, above all, because he was profoundly convinced that humility was the fundamental virtue for all bishops, and even more so for a Patriarch.

"In his heart", the Holy Father added, "Gregory continued to be a simple monk and for that reason opposed the use of grand titles. He wished to be 'servus servorum Dei' (servant of the servants of God). ... Intimately inspired by the humility of God Who in Christ became our servant, ... he was convinced that a bishop must imitate such humility".

Although Gregory's wish had been "to live as a monk in permanent communion with the Word of God", Benedict XVI concluded, "for His love he became the servant of everyone in a time full of tribulation and suffering; he became the servant of the servants. This is why he was 'Great' and shows us the measure of true greatness".

Monday, June 2, 2008

As final exams approach

One of the biggest mysteries in my existence is how I managed to graduate high school having failed English my freshman and sophomore years and not having to go to summer school.

Aaaah! I remember the days in Sr. St. George's classroom: the weekly vocab/spelling exams, Commonplaces, journals, the vegetable garden, the scoldings, humiliations, and the papers covererd in more red than the republican budget. Oh the good old days... and yes they were!

Several of my teachers often commented that I got through on a prayer. I am not one to believe in superstition and and bending the outcome of things through prayer, but prayer in times of study does help. If anything, there is a peace that comes from simply knowing that I entrust myself to the hands of my GOD.

As the school year quickly approaches and final exams are within sight for students all over, I offer some prayers I have come accross.

Sister Saint George Skurla's prayer:
Wisdom of GOD be with me, always at work in me.
Wisdom of GOD be with me, always at work in me.
Wisdom of GOD be with me, always at work in me.
Our Lady Queen of the Angels: Pray for us.

Mr. John Bustamante's Prayer Before Class:
Come Holy Spirit and by your divine assistance help our meeting here today
be of worth to us and those we hope to serve. Amen.

Prayer Before Study or Reading:
Grant me grace, O merciful GOD, to desire ardently all that is pleasing to you, to examine it prudently, to acknowledge it truthfully, and to accomplish it perfectly, fo rhte praise and glory of your name. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Studies: Pray for us.
(Indulgence of 300 days, each time.--Leo XIII. June 29, 1879)

Prayer Before an Exam:
O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write. Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel. May I be honest and insightful, and able to give a true record of what I have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

I write this exam with Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, Patron of Students: Pray for us.

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA