Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why a Book Club?

Welcome to the Saint Boniface Church Book Club Blog. The book club and blog were created by Raymond Uribe, parish youth minister, as a means of bringing together young people who have a desire to read and to deepen their spirituality. Once we get our book club going, you are encouraged to post your reactions and thoughts on this blog to the reading.

Our meetings are arranged in the following manner: dinner of pizza and soda, (free will donations for dinner are accepted), fellowship, prayer, introductions, and discussion of the assigned book. The meeting concludes with a brief introduction to the book for the following month and prayer. Our first meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2007 at 6:30 PM. The location for the meeting will be posted in a few days. Although registration or RSVP are not required, I do encourage you to send me an email or call me to let me know that you are coming. This will help in the planning of how much pizza to order.

Since the holidays are a busy time, I have chosen the Gospel of Matthew as our book of December. At our first meeting I will give a brief introduction to this gospel.

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Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA