Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ring Ceremony for the Newly Created Cardinals

CONSITORY 2007: The Ring Ceremony
This morning, at a solemn Mass on the Feast of Christ the King, Pope Benedict conferred the Cardinal's ring on each of the newly created members of the College of Cardinals. Benedict placed a gold ring on the fourth finger of the right hand of each of the new cardinals as he said to each one, “Receive the ring from the hand of Peter and, with the love of the Prince of the Apostles, may your love to the Church be reinforced.” Pope instructed the new cardinals that in "taking the ring, Cardinals are constantly called to give their lives for the Church."

In his homily, Pope Benedict reminded the cardinals that their “first and foremost mission,” is to provide constant life for the Church and to pray for peace and unity, especially among the disciples of Christ. The Pope furthermore, reminded them that the cross is the “throne” of Christ the King. He urged them: “entire hierarchy of the Church, each charisma and ministry, everything and everyone are in the service of His Lordship.”

Speaking of the ring, the Pope said, “This for you, dear new Brother Cardinals, will always be a reminder of the King you serve, on what throne He has been elevated and how faithful he has been till the end when he defeated sin and death with the strength of divine mercy. Mother Church, Christ’s bride, gives you this insignia as a memento of Her Husband as Christ loved the church and handed Himself over for her (cf Eph 5:25). Thus, wearing the cardinalitial ring, you shall constantly be reminded to give your life to the Church.”

In his reflection of today's reading from the Epistle to the Colossians, the pope said, “this text of the Apostle expresses a synthesis of truth and faith that is so powerful that we cannot but admire it deeply. The Church is the repository of Christ’s mystery. It is so with humility and no trace of pride or arrogance because it is the highest gift that it was given, with no merit in getting it, but which it is called to offer freely to humanity in every age as a horizon of meaning and salvation. It is not philosophy, nor gnosis, even though it includes wisdom and knowledge. It is the mystery of Christ, Christ Himself, Logos incarnate, who died and has risen, becoming the King of the universe. How not to feel a wave of enthusiasm filled with gratitude to be allowed to contemplate the splendour of this revelation? How at the same time can we not feel the joy and sense of responsibility to serve this King, bear witness with one’s life and words to His Lordship? This, in particular, is our task, my venerated Brother Cardinals, namely to announce to the world Christ’s truth, hope for every man and for the entire human family.”
It is fitting that the ring ceremony for the "Princes of the Church" be held today on the Celebration of Christ the King. May the Cardinalate of our church exercise their office of leadership with humility before Him through and for whom they serve. Prayers and blessings to the new Cardinals, and our continued prayers for the College of Cardinals, the Princes of the Church.

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Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA

Saint Boniface Church, Anaheim, CA